Have you ever considered that while renovation itself is not difficult, it is most difficult for the parties to communicate on a level playing field, with mutual trust and respect after the signing of a contract? Many unpleasant experiences and incomplete works are caused by the parties being suspicious, lacking communication, or simply refusing to budge. For incomplete renovation works, the Consumer Council is unable to claim for you, while litigation wastes money and time, and is stressful. The Hong Kong Arbitration Society is pioneering the promotion of the “Charter of Harmony HK”, by using the method of mediation first and arbitration next, to offer genuine protection for each renovation project by enlarging the basis of mutual trust and communication. Those who wish to obtain legal protection can join the “Charter of Harmony HK”, or simply incorporate the following “Charter of Harmony HK Clause”: “"Pursuant to the Charter of Harmony HK, any dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be brought to the Hong Kong Arbitration Society for mediation in accordance with the Hong Kong Arbitration Society Mediation Rules for the time being in force. Any such dispute not settled by mediation within the period in accordance with the Hong Kong Arbitration Society Mediation Rules for the time being in force, shall be referred to and finally determined by arbitration administrated by the Hong Kong Arbitration Society and in accordance with the Hong Kong Arbitration Society Rules for the time being in force.